What time is it? It's (nearly) Christmas time...
What does that mean to us runners? Aside from our social calendars filling up quicker than me at the Pizza Hut buffet?!?!
It means...
Starbucks RED cup time...ohhh yes...Toffee Nut Lattes, Eggnog Lattes and best of all Gingerbread Lattes! Nom nom nom nom...
No! Only kidding, although the red cups are my cue to start ramping up the red wine consumption.
This year for me it means Marcothon! http://www.themarcothon.com/
Why? Why NOT is the question!
On a serious note the WHY? is because I have been accepted into the West Highland Way Race 2013! And how do you train for a 96 mile trail race? Well I like to think running is a good start, even if it is for 3 miles each day (or 25 minutes whichever comes quicker).
I'll admit, running on Christmas Day does seem strange to me. The thought of having to tear myself away from my newest cabbage patch doll seems unbearable.
But I have to give it try. God loves a trier. But he loves me more.