Showing posts with label Devil's Staircase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devil's Staircase. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 December 2012

WHW training run...with Spiderman!

In my continued attempt to establish a fitness base worthy of an entry into the West Highland Way race 2013, I signed up for a 43 mile training run on Sat 24th November, organised by Ian Minty.

Clearly I would not be able to complete the full 43 mile run, however I was aiming to complete the first 22ish miles from Tyndrum to the base of the Devil's Staircase.

So at 8am, four of us (Ross Lawrie, Paul Houston, Ian Minty and myself) met at the Green Welly Stop. Prepared for the four seasons of weather that Scotland can offer in any one day, our backpacks resembled those of the hill walkers setting off for a week long trek. Mine in particular was the heaviest - despite the fact I would be running the least distance.

And off we went. The initial climb out of Tyndrum set the tone of the run, my layers started to come off and Ross' camera came out.  Whilst I spent every hour removing one of my 40 layers of clothing, Ross resembled a superhero, climbing up rocks trying to get the best angle for his amazing photographs.

Later I found out that Ross' ninja/superhero poses were well practiced - he actually impersonates our favourite comic character - Spiderman, for charities such as Make a Wish foundation and Chas.  I was in the presence of a Legend.

Aside from Ross' ability to climb cars and bins, I'm sure you will all agree with me his photographic ability is amazing... check out some of the pictures from the run below (there are more on my picasa album if you're interested).

To summarise, I completed the full 22 miles and had a great day out. I don't like to give a step by step encounter, as it can be REALLY boring to i'll let the photos tell the story of the run.

Climb out of Tyndrum:

Climb out of Bridge of Orchy (I am in the bottom right hand corner):

Snack stop on the Rannoch Moor - runner style - no hands!

I can also impersonate a childhood character Ross... Budgie the helicopter:

Descent into Glencoe. We met the boys brigade along with Colin he isn't a member...he was chasing us... who were running behind him... yep, i'll let you figure that one out:

Climb out of Kingshouse:

Minty and I on the home straight (run to base of Devil's Staircase!)

And Finally... 

Random item of the post - "Dummies Dance South Africa"