Thursday, 1 May 2014

Highland Fling: Get to Beinglas!

After a knee operation, my wedding and too many weekends away I REALLY struggled to do much running in the last 6 months. It could have been the knee operation, may have been the wedding planning or even the donuts and red wine - I guess I will never know. But it was safe to say I was nervous about even starting this year’s Highland Fling.

I was still arguing with the squirrels in my head the week before the race, you see they felt that ONE 22 mile training run and some other 12 and 15 mile runs were not sufficient training. I on the other hand felt that I had paid my entry fee and was therefore getting that bottle of wine and t-shirt one way or another.

So, the week before the race my plan was adjusted…. again:

Get a PB
Get under 10hrs
Get under 11 hours
Get under 12 hours
Get under 14 hours
Get under cut off time (15 hours)

Basically I had one goal. Get to Beinglas Farm before the cut off. Then they HAD to let me finish, even if I walked/crawled the last 12 miles. You hear me Johnny Fling? You HAD to let me finish. I’m sure it is in the rules…even if it was my version of rules.


To many peoples surprise, I showed up on Saturday am – peeing my panties. I was terrified. It didn’t help that I had not registered and that I only got my clothes sorted at midnight on the Friday and packed and cellotaped my drop bags at 4.30am on the Saturday morning, whilst my poor husband got roped into making my sandwiches. Thankfully registration was pain free. I walked up, said my number, was handed an envelope and some pins. Task 1 - Done.

Now it is time for Task 2: Get to Beinglas. Get to Beinglas. Get to Beinglas.


Annnd we are off. In Glasgow, if a large group wearing sports gear and ankle chips ran by you, your first thought would be that there had been a prison escape at Barlinnie Prison. I see a few police officers and think that the local residents may have come to the same conclusion and called them in - turns out they are only helping us to cross the roads!

Slowly I trundle on – soooo many people compared to 2011. Yet, it is not until the gate with the violin player before I make any friends. The last time I took part (2011) I spoke to 3 people. Two in the first 15 miles (Lucy and a guy (sorry never caught your name)) and then was on my own for the remainder of the race until the very end with George Cairns. This year I was determined to make more than 3 friends. My first two are Norrie and Adrian.

My new friends and I

We chat and have some banter. After two lace ties and a toilet stop we lose each other and I’m on my own again, until...guess who I meet…LUCY, one of only three runners I really spoke to in 2011. A year later we met in a pub over red wine and then we meet again, right where it all started – destiny. You will be my friend Lucy. Like it or not. 

Lucy and I chat and meet another two guys (who I had briefly had t-shirt and toilet discussions with earlier) Mark and Martin. We have some good old banter, Mark sprints down and takes a tumble on Conic Hill – he is not hurt, therefore it is HILARIOUS, we all run into the checkpoint together. 

John Kennedy pops up – telling me I am enjoying myself too much. I pretend to run. 


I am hungry. I’ve only had Cliff blocks and some gums. A super-efficient marshal hands me my Asda bag, I tear it open like a savage and eat my roll in one gulp like a duck. No real food until Balmaha - I won’t make that mistake again. 

My parents and husband are there – my mother hands me a bottle and says David left it for Craig and then Craig left it for me. I say I don’t want it, and then just as I am leaving I quickly take a gulp in case it is magic juice. Imagine being the girl who did not drink the magic juice? Turns out it was a salt tablet in water… I have enough salt and vinegar discos to feed the entire race. I do not need any more salt! 

The chat is so good that I make a conscious effort to stick with the banter gang when we leave the checkpoint, but after a while, altering your natural pace can become tiring, so Lucy and I gently push on. We indulge in some nonsense girl talk which ensures that no-one else decides to join us. 

Here is a pic of the get-a-long gang leaving Balmaha, it’s really hard to see me, but I am the giant blob in the middle with the luminous yellow t-shirt on…

Stuart MacFarlane photo


I’ve lost Lucy. I think it was just before the checkpoint, she mentioned something about not liking my pace but I am certain it is because I started eating her nuts and dried fruit! I then mentioned her sports beans and she promptly ditched me. I never got any sports beans. 

Action shot...before I lost Lucy 
(Edinburgh Sports Photography)

Marshal and my husband perform a tag team effort. She helps me with some food whilst husband helps with some water. She gives me a smile and tells me I am looking great. Liar.

Husband tells me I am half way – not in my head darling, I’ve only got 14 miles to go ;o) REMEMBER, GET TO BEINGLAS!!!

John Kennedy pops up – I pretend to run.

I have a low point here. I am determined that since I am walking every single incline that is more than 1cm that I absolutely must run the flats and down hills. A guy attempts to talk to me, he is very nice but when I am having my low points this is a battle between me and the squirrels in my head, not something a stranger can partake in. THIS IS NOT FUN. Please accept my apology if this was you. This was not a good time for me.


I run into the checkpoint, the awesome bag person hands me my goodies without me saying a word – HOW ARE THEY DOING THIS?!?! All Marshalls are preoccupied with other runners, so I have to deal with the dilemma of whether I take the new LARGE bag of sweeties or I stick with the small bag of sweeties on my own. GOSH, THIS IS HARD. I opt for the larger bag – you can never have too many sweeties. Phew. Crisis averted. I refill my water bottle and I’m off…

I pass my Clydesdale and training buddies Fiona, Anne and Stuart. I do not hang around, though. This is the ground where I excel. Perhaps it is because I am stupid and careless or perhaps my hobbit legs just work better over tree trunks but I really feel comfortable so I decide to push on and cover as much ground whilst I am feeling good.

John Kennedy pops up – I pretend to run. HOW IS HE DOING THIS?!?!


Bugger. I’m at Beinglas – what now? I originally planned to change my t-shirt (luminous yellow is NOT good for discreet toilet stops) and socks and trainers. This should have bought me some time to decide on a new plan. But by now, I want this over with. So I pop a painkiller and I’m off. My dad and husband only let me have one instead of the 3 I had planned. Later on, whilst my quads are in agony, I curse them both.

The crowds and marshals are fantastic here. I feel like I am in 1st place and not 200th. Maybe it is when I am really low I realise it, but, the shouts of positivity from so many people almost make me want to cry. Thank you so much everyone. It really did help.

I am flying solo here, I pass people, they pass me, it is constant for the whole section. Although, the stats say I moved up 39 places, so there must have been some drop outs? I want to drop out – what excuse have I got? The knee operation is a pretty good one, but I don’t want to tempt fate. I could be sick? But then I won’t get the baked potato and beer at the end. Hmmmm. I’ll keep running.

John Kennedy pops up – I pretend to run. Does he have a teleporter? I say I’m not feeling great, he tells me I am fine and to overtake the man ahead of me. Thanks for the pep talk!

I am ready to step into the bushes and go for a sleep when a guy says it is about ½ a mile to the end – I WANT TO HUG THE STRANGER – but my mum taught me not to talk (or hug) strange men, I ignore her teachings and manage to get out the words “Ohh my goodness, thank you” without crying.

I hear the piper – ohhhh my gaaaawwwwd. Get. To. The. End.

I hear a boy behind me. If he sprints past I have nothing. Thankfully he decides that he doesn’t want to, or, that he can’t. Either way it FEELS like we are both sprinting flat out, but I imagine what we REALLY look like is the 90 years olds doing the 100 meter sprint. Don’t know what I am talking about? Watch it here:

Usain Bolt vs Yohan Blake reenactment
Stuart MacFarlane photo

Music, cheers, this is AMAZING! Boooooo, hisssss, boooo, hisssss… wait a minute? My brother and his mate, Del, are in the crowd. People look at him then he explains he is my brother. Ahhhhhh makes sense. Siblings. He has finished 30 min before me. Bugger! 

I did it! My dad and husband come and take my goodies off me so I can wolf down some soup and baked potato. Beer has never tasted so good. Once my mum arrives we do not hang around. For starters I don’t know if I can stand much longer. We head to the car then straight home. 

One minute I am at Tyndrum the next I am home. Magic :o) My Husband has to help me into the house – don’t think he knew what he was signing up for in February. Sucker!



Official time of 11 hrs and 2 mins. I am absolutely delighted. From not knowing if I would even finish to a time of 11 hours makes me very very happy. It is 1 hour 20 min slower than my last time, but I’ve just had a knee operation and got married 2 months ago! So who cares!!! I am ecstatic that I finish injury free (aside from the overall agony of my body - even my ears are sore!?!).

To top things off - the ladies (Fiona, Anne and I) managed to win the first female team prize (Yes - FIRST)!!!

Team Clydesdale and our motivational speaker John Kennedy on the 22 mile training run


I probably started a tad too slow. My rough calculations show that I overtook 290 people from Drymen to the end, obviously some people drop out but I do remember overtaking A LOT of people after Balmaha! Pace yourself, people. PACE YOURSELF. I did one 22 mile training run, had 3.5 hours sleep and packed my stuff at 4.30am the morning of the race so I think my result is a testament to pacing and not training and preparation. I wonder what I could do If I got all 3 in the correct proportions? Well trained, prepared and a well-paced race. Something to aim for, I suppose…

Thanks to everyone single person who cheered, helped or spoke to me on Saturday. It was appreciated more than you will ever know.

Huge thanks to my ever suffering Mum, Dad and Husband. Not only do they have me doing this – they have my brother doing it too. Supporting not 1 but 2 divas? Amazing!!! 

Scrubbed up runner and support team

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Champagne Coma

The Marcothon - I'm out. 

Running in general - I'm out. 

Injured? No. Depressed? No. Some other reason to make me sound less pathetic, or weak, or a failure? No.

It would appear I am a drunk. Not without cause, though.

It all started on Day 15 - with me bailing out of the Marcothon, the result of one of the worst red wine induced hangovers I've ever had. The after effect of my work Christmas night out...well I had to do something to make a bunch of accountants' company enjoyable.

And basically my demise started there... I decided not to run the following day, or the day after that, then, when my laziness was no longer justifiable, I decided I would "take a break".  A break from what? I wasn't doing who knows...

Then, on Christmas morning, my stupid boyfriend proposed to me with a bobby dazzler... once my trachea reopened after a brief emotionally-triggered asthmatic anxiety attack I, of course, said yes :-).

I have been in a Champagne Coma ever since.  People have asked if I have started planning the wedding and the answer is I feel I would need to sober up before I could make any reliable decisions.

A Glee Club run on the 29th was also ditched for panto and champers on the 28th with friends. I took advantage of the impact the bubbles were having on my friends and recruited Kevin as a support runner for the WHW race.

So, to summarise my WHW training, we are now at the 30th of December and the only substantial run of the month was the WHW gangs run on 9th December.

My new years resolutions? To start running again, and plan a wedding. Simples.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

What time is it? It's Marcothon time!

What time is it? It's (nearly) Christmas time...

What does that mean to us runners? Aside from our social calendars filling up quicker than me at the Pizza Hut buffet?!?!

It means...

Starbucks RED cup time...ohhh yes...Toffee Nut Lattes, Eggnog Lattes and best of all Gingerbread Lattes! Nom nom nom nom...

No! Only kidding, although the red cups are my cue to start ramping up the red wine consumption.

This year for me it means Marcothon!

Why? Why NOT is the question!

On a serious note the WHY? is because I have been accepted into the West Highland Way Race 2013! And how do you train for a 96 mile trail race? Well I like to think running is a good start, even if it is for 3 miles each day (or 25 minutes whichever comes quicker).

I'll admit, running on Christmas Day does seem strange to me. The thought of having to tear myself away from my newest cabbage patch doll seems unbearable.

But I have to give it try. God loves a trier.  But he loves me more.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

WHW training run...with Spiderman!

In my continued attempt to establish a fitness base worthy of an entry into the West Highland Way race 2013, I signed up for a 43 mile training run on Sat 24th November, organised by Ian Minty.

Clearly I would not be able to complete the full 43 mile run, however I was aiming to complete the first 22ish miles from Tyndrum to the base of the Devil's Staircase.

So at 8am, four of us (Ross Lawrie, Paul Houston, Ian Minty and myself) met at the Green Welly Stop. Prepared for the four seasons of weather that Scotland can offer in any one day, our backpacks resembled those of the hill walkers setting off for a week long trek. Mine in particular was the heaviest - despite the fact I would be running the least distance.

And off we went. The initial climb out of Tyndrum set the tone of the run, my layers started to come off and Ross' camera came out.  Whilst I spent every hour removing one of my 40 layers of clothing, Ross resembled a superhero, climbing up rocks trying to get the best angle for his amazing photographs.

Later I found out that Ross' ninja/superhero poses were well practiced - he actually impersonates our favourite comic character - Spiderman, for charities such as Make a Wish foundation and Chas.  I was in the presence of a Legend.

Aside from Ross' ability to climb cars and bins, I'm sure you will all agree with me his photographic ability is amazing... check out some of the pictures from the run below (there are more on my picasa album if you're interested).

To summarise, I completed the full 22 miles and had a great day out. I don't like to give a step by step encounter, as it can be REALLY boring to i'll let the photos tell the story of the run.

Climb out of Tyndrum:

Climb out of Bridge of Orchy (I am in the bottom right hand corner):

Snack stop on the Rannoch Moor - runner style - no hands!

I can also impersonate a childhood character Ross... Budgie the helicopter:

Descent into Glencoe. We met the boys brigade along with Colin he isn't a member...he was chasing us... who were running behind him... yep, i'll let you figure that one out:

Climb out of Kingshouse:

Minty and I on the home straight (run to base of Devil's Staircase!)

And Finally... 

Random item of the post - "Dummies Dance South Africa"

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Team GB and The Giant Scottish Midgie

Quite a while back, I signed to go down to the Olympics with some of the running gals - a flippant decision that turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

And what weekend did we pick? SUPER SATURDAY!!!

The Scottish Midgie and Co (Alison Winship, Carol Anne Thomson, Me, Kathryn Pennel (The Midgie), Ryan Thomson, Jessica Oliver-Bell and Avril Mason) with the torch.

Equipped with a union jack scarf and some Team GB face stickers we were like tourists on steroids. I've worked and visited London millions of times (that's means "a lot" to the non weedgies), but an outsider would have thought I had never been out in public, let alone been to London before.

This was fuelled by Garscube's wonderful Alison Winship and Pitreavie's Kathryn Pennel.  So innocent and excitable, even when I was trying to be a miserable cow (which comes naturally to me), I couldn't help but get drawn into the their excitable aura. At times, I did think that perhaps we shouldn't be allowed out in public...

Especially when Ali, on more than one occasion, decided to fashion a piece of clothing out of a plastic bag and the fact that we were walking around with Kath dressed as a giant midgie...

But I had fun, and after a while, I no longer noticed the giant midgie... except when the antennae poked me in the eye... and when I had to sit beside her in an Italian restaurant. 

I won't dwell about the weekend, as it will only make me sad. But to summarise... we held the Olympic torch, met a gold medalist (& medal), met athletes, met ex athletes (Roger Black), met randoms, sent postcards with the "official" Olympic stamp, partied in Hyde park, screamed at Bradley Wiggins, screamed at McFly, screamed watching Jess, Mo and Gregg, screamed with what was left of our voices for Team GB (especially Freya) during the marathon, watched Andy Murray, watched the 100m on the train crammed round an ipad with strangers... I could go on and on and on about everything wonderful and eventful that was crammed into that weekend! A selection of pictures below:




It was truly inspiring...perhaps that's what they intended, as I handed over the credit card for some Team GB gear. Ohh well. Can bailiffs confiscate clothing?

Along with the Olympics, I was inspired by fellow Scottish athletes in the weeks that followed, namely the Scottish gals, Debbie Martin Consani and Sharon Law, who both did Scotland proud in the IAU 24 hour ultra running championships.

High on inspiration, I've now entered the Devil of the Highlands and Highland Fling races....and the West Highland Way Race - eeek!

Better get my (larger than normal) ass back running.

There's a midgie in my room...

Monday, 20 August 2012

Those who can't run, support

Better late than never? I have been prompted into blogging action after receiving this email
from my friend:

“Just checked your blog

Knee high grass, boarded up windows, spiderwebs.

The neighbourhood kids say it’s haunted.”

Those who can’t run, support

You may not know this but I had actually entered the WHW race for 2012. In case you may
have missed/ignored/skimmed my first post, I ended up injured quite early on into that ambition
which ultimately took me out of the game. Supporting my brother (Craig Calderwood) and my
surrogate brother (David Gow) therefore became the only running I would be doing at this
year's WHW race. Even then, there were moments when this looked ambitious.

I'm sure there are PLENTY of detailed runners and support blogs out there covering the WHW I'm doing another one. But I will keep it brief and filled with pictures :)

What a year eh? It rained, it poured and I was snoring. I usually swear by the mantra that your
skin is waterproof. However, it was just SO cold and wet and awful, that even my bacon roll got
wet whilst I was snuggled up, wrapped in a sleeping blanket and drinking my coffee.


Bless them all. How Terry Conway got a record in those conditions is UNBELIEVABLE. What
is more unbelievable is the thought of what time he could do under "normal" conditions.

The Food

David and Craig's Grub. Not showing the masses of sandwiches that would have put
the teddy bears picnic to shame and enough pizza that would have put Pizza Hut out of
business (if Pizza Hut decided to open up branches at Rowardennan, Bridge of Orchy and


The Start

<Video stolen from UltraPyllon's YouTube channel>

I ran support for my brother with David in 2011 and we covered the last 26 miles. Whilst it was
no comedy show - we had a "laugh". There was banter, jokes, chuckles and smiles all round.
Having a "laugh" at 60+ miles I hear you cry! Surely Craig did not try hard enough someone
asks. I'll let you decide... #musttryharder

But there were no chuckles this year. The only voice that could be heard for the last 26 miles
(my support leg) was my monotonous tones constantly asking "Beans, Discos, Chocolate or
Irn Bru?" When we hit flat or downhill I felt like I was walking my dog, The Duke. I would
shout "right" which is usually how I'd summon Duke to stop him rolling about in the mud and
come along but in this case it was my code to Craig and David to stop them rolling around in
the mud and start running again.

Like a horrendous hangover there was the vow to never ever EVER do it again. From now on
they were only going to be support runners… £100 says they do it next year.

I don't want to say "highlights" so I'll call them my memorable support moments:

Derrydaroch – Disqualified
We walked down knowing it wasn't an official support spot, intending to offer nothing but our
kind words. However, we were advised that not being an official support spot meant our kind
words were also not allowed and we could get the boys disqualified. As we were being
escorted away this is was, of course, the moment the boys came down the hill. Thinking that
we had given up waiting they were screaming at the top of their lungs "HEEYYY, Mum, Carol,
Stephanie, Heather, HEEYY, coke, vaseline, HEYY HEY HE H H.... ....". We turned and like
some cruel game, gave a wave, and then walked off. I have never seen 2 grown men look so
dejected or heartbroken. I kind of liked it. It was like a cruel game of support team teasing.

Bridge of Orchy – Car thieves
Stephanie (David's Missus) locked her keys in her car, this was funny for all of about 5
seconds until we realised the boys were due in any minute. Some people asked if they could
help. Stephanie's panic stricken reply was "Yes, do you have a black bag and some masking
tape?". The fathers "politely" told her that no f***ing window was getting smashed. The guys,
with the help of some AMAZING volunteers and marshalls, managed to use a knife, a donated
umbrella and fishing wire to open a window and then used some sturdier wire they acquired
(from somewhere?) to Crystal Maze style hook and drag the keys out. My other half then
handed us some Greggs doughnuts he had bought and left.


Glencoe – Drunk
The boys sat in very hot cars for 25 minutes. This was not good. John Kennedy and I were
supporting them from this point and, just as well, as the two of them looked and sounded
drunk! The poor souls were slurring words and staggering. Whilst talking to my brother I
realised he was running with his eyes closed. I promptly punched him on the arm, whipped
down his hood and whipped off his thermal hat giving him a face full of wind and rain. He then
cried (quite literally) "Why are you doing that?". "To wake you up boy!" was my reply. He was
then warned that if he did not wake up he was getting chucked into the first burn I saw! Tough
love people that's how I roll.... no hugs and kisses from me! Thermal hat confiscated and icy
cold burns are what you get!

Kinlochleven - Midgies
Despite climbing up the hill, the rain had eased off and the midges had descended in for their attack. Through the dark midges nets we had limited moments of banter and chuckles. Moments that were so limited in the last 26 miles that they have become memorable. One moment I recall was David coming off a hill, only 1 mile after Kinlochleven thinking he was on the descent into Lundavra. Ohh how excited he got, he nearly started skipping. Until Craig and I looked at each other in a state of confusion and Craig broke the news that we were about 6 miles from Lundavra. That must have been a long 6 miles for David after that.

Fort William – Happy Ending
But of course every story has to have a happy ending and THEY DID IT – 23 hours and 2
minutes! They overcame some obstacles (turns out David’s sore shin was a stress fracture!) so I think you will all agree that 23 hours, with a stress fracture and in those conditions is pretty AWESOME!

It's all about me
My support leg (Glencoe to Fort William) took 6.5 hours (Garmin link here). Personally, I think the last 26 miles is probably the toughest section and the conditions only made it worse. But I really enjoyed it. I felt good, there was no injury niggles and it’s the first long run I have done in the last few weeks where I haven't had a hangover. Overall I felt pretty GREAT :)

So will Craig and David do the race again next year? There's only one way to decide...FIIIGGGHHHTTT....

Well actually, I was thinking a poll, but you gotta love Harry Hill. However, I have not worked out how to add one, so I'll save it for November when the 2013 entries open ;)